Publishing news and notes > New book from Susan X Meagher - Chef's Special
New book from Susan X Meagher - Chef's Special

Dec 19, 2016

Brisk Press is pleased to announce a new book from Susan X Meagher - here in time for Christmas!

Susan X Meagher
ISBN 13: 978-09966774-7-9
Trade paper, 503 pp, $16.00
eBook in three formats $9.00
December, 2016
Lesbian Fiction / Romance
Publisher: Brisk Press

After years of slowly working her way up the ladder, Emily Desjardins is finally poised at the next step—cooking at the kind of restaurant she’d love to one day own.

Her new boss is classically trained, has stunningly high standards, and effortlessly designs delicious, creative cuisine. She’s also demanding, inflexible, ridiculously confident and so hot it’s almost silly.

Emily is determined to spend her time learning all of the tricks and tools she’ll need to keep moving up. But keeping her mind on the job with the enigmatic Blake Chadwick pervading her thoughts and her dreams proves much harder than she could have ever imagined.

Both the eBooks and Print book are available for immediate delivery from